The Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development (COAD) is a private, non-profit community-based organization serving rural, mostly Appalachian, counties in eastern and southern Ohio. Our other divisions within COAD (in addition to coad4kids) and the scholarship opportunity are listed below.

Senior Programs Division
Senior Programs Division provides volunteer opportunities for individuals age 55 and older as mentors and tutors to disadvantaged children and youth, and to help other senior citizens who need supportive service to remain in their own homes.

Ohio Weatherization Training Center
Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) The OWTC provides classroom, lab, and field training as well as on-site technical assistance to HWAP providers in the Ohio Weatherization Assistance Program network. The extensive hands-on nature of the training and technical assistance complements classroom training and enhances workers’ on-the-job-training experience.

Energy Services
COAD offers energy efficiency and weatherization services that help customers lower their energy use and fuel bills. These services provide for the direct installation of energy conservation measures in the homes of low-income Appalachian Ohio customers. These programs help people in need keep their homes affordable, healthy, safe, durable, and comfortable while saving energy and reducing pollution!