Helpful links and resources
Ohio’s Guide to Early Care and Learning
This is a great article that everyone should read. It answers questions frequently asked by parents of children in every age groups and even some provider related material. Take some time and please read this document.
Ohio Employer Tool Kit of Child Care Options
This resource describes what is “quality child care” as it relates to children, parents, businesses, and communities.
2014-15.Appalachian Region Head Start Report
You’ve heard of Head Start, but do you know about the broad range of services it provides? Or the tremendous impact that Head Start has on the lives of children, families, early childhood professionals and local economies? Take a few minutes to read this report regarding the Head Start Agencies in the counties that COAD serves and learn how Head Start is working to improve lives in your community.
Ohio links
Ohio After School Network (OAN)
Works to ensure that all Ohio families have access to high quality after school experiences.
Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children (Ohio AEYCV)
The voice of Ohio’s early childhood professionals.
The Ohio Benefit Bank
Connecting communities to resources. An Internet-based, counselor assisted service that connects low and moderate income families and individuals to the support they need where they live, work, play, and pray.
Ohio Child Care Resource and Referral Association (OCCRRA)
A statewide association promoting the positive development of all children, especially those in out-of-home environments.
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
Information for parents and providers on Ohio programs and policy.
Ohio Head Start Association (OHSAI)
Dedicated to advocacy, training and providing support which enhances and fosters growth of our individual members, member agencies, partners, and others who impact the lives of children and families.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides funds to reimburse to sponsor organizations for serving healthy meals and snacks to children and adults enrolled in day care. The Child and Adult Food Care Program (CACFP) is administered by the Ohio Department of Education. The goal is to provide well balanced meals and encourage healthy eating habits. This program is available for eligible child care providers.
Report Child Abuse and Neglect
If you suspect that a child is being abused or neglected you can call your local Public Children Services Agency. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services provides a directory of local agencies and a national child abuse Hotline. You can find out what information you need to file a report, what happens after a report is made and information regarding who is a mandatory reporter.
T.E.A.C.H. provides scholarships for early childhood and child care professionals working to improve their credentials through higher education and training. To learn more about this opportunity and to see a list of colleges and universities in Ohio that have Early Care & education programs please visit their website.
Ohio child care resource and referral agencies
Action for Children
Serving Central Ohio
Early Childhood Resource Center
Serving Northern Ohio
4C for Children
Serving Southwest Ohio
Child Care Resource Center
Serving Northcentral Ohio
Starting Point
Serving Northeast Ohio
YWCA Child Care Resource and Referral
Serving Northcentral & Northwest Ohio
National links
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
The resources provided include websites, publications, and books offering ideas and support in your quest to support children’s mental growth.
Child Care Aware
The nation’s most respected hub of information for parents and child care providers—a program of the National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA).
Children’s Defense Fund
A strong, effective, independent voice for all the children of America.
First Candle
A national nonprofit health organization working to increase public participation and support in the fight against Stillbirth, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other causes of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID).
Kids Count: The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Helping vulnerable kids and families succeed.
National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC)
A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting quality child care by strengthening the profession of family child care.
National Center for Early Development and Learning (NCEDL)
Focuses on enhancing the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children from birth through age eight.
National Head Start Association (NHSA)
Seeks to be the untiring voice that will not be quiet until every vulnerable child is served with the Head Start model of support for the whole child, the family and the community.
National Resource Center for Health and Safety
in Child Care and Early Education (NRC)
The NRC’s primary mission is to promote health and safety in out-of-home child care settings throughout the nation.
National Safe Kids Campaign
Preventing injuries: at home, at play and on the way.
Parenting 24/7
Raising children and managing family life.
Parents’ Action for Children
Producers of the “I Am Your Child” video series.
Parents as Teachers
Parents as Teachers serves as a voice for early childhood development and champions the critical role of parental involvement and early intervention in the childhood development and education continuum.
PBS Parents
Information and resources for parents.
Zero to Three
A national, nonprofit organization that informs, trains, and supports professionals, policymakers, and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers—part of the National center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families.